Who we are
I NEED DEV, a network of software development vacancies to help developers find a job and company they love. We know that it can be difficult to find the right job, especially if you’re unsure where to start looking. That’s why we’ve created I Need Dev, a one-stop for all software development needs. And we’re not limited to a specific place, we have a global reach everywhere, so we can help you to find your dream job no matter where you are in the world. If you’re looking for your next big career move, the place to start is I NEED DEV.
How It Works?
Job for anyone, anywhere
Free Resume Assessments
Employers on average spend 31 seconds scanning
resumes to identify potential matches.
Job Fit Scoring
Our new fit meter shows you which jobs are most
relevant to your skills and interests.
Help Every Step of the Way
Our career advice section is full of information
to help you identify the right fit.