Ahmed Ibrahim

Full Stack Php Developer
800$ / month
February 26, 1998

About Candidate

I ‘am a software developer I graduated from the faculty of computer and information technology I learned a Nano Degree Full-Stack Developer, learned at Udacity and I graduated from ITI (intensive training programming) Open Source Track – Full Stack PHP Intensive Training Program.
and I have enough experience in developing websites
lately, learned freelancing skills and how to be self-employed and hired to work for different companies on particular assignments.
I have skills in the following:
CSS, Html, JavaScript, JSON, PHP, SQL, MySQL, Laravel Framework, Design Database, Git, NodeJS, Linux System Administrator Search Skills . And everything related to web development

The Children’s Cancer Hospital Egypt 57357

SPONSORED Write as short as one letter in a SMS and send it to the number 57357, in doing so you donate L.E.5 to the Hospital and you contribute to the cure of a child with cancer.

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